Welcome to Rosehill School
Creating Inspiring Pathways for Real Life Success
He Waihanga Ara Whakahihiri, kia Angitu ai
Principal's Welcome
Kia Ora, welcome to Rosehill School.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to Rosehill School.
Rosehill is a vibrant, improvement focused specialist school for learners aged 5 to 21 with specific learning needs.
Our vision is Create inspiring pathways for real life success, He waihanga ara whakahihiri, kia angitu ai.
As our learners move up through the school, we work to ensure they learn the skills and attitudes they need to be successful at home, at school and in the community, to progress within the New Zealand curriculum and to be successful when they leave us.
We have a dedicated and enthusiastic staff of teachers, therapists, Education Assistants, leadership and administration staff who work together and ensure our whanau are welcomed and feel part of the team and all of our learners flourish.
Please explore our website to find out more about our school and curriculum.
Naku te rourou, nau te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive

Gill Hedley | Principal

Learning Pathway

Our School Values
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